About us
About us
Projects and Data
Umwelt Management AG UMaAG has been active in the field of renewable energy projects on the German market since 1998. Meanwhile almost 50 employees work at two locations: Cuxhaven and Oldenburg. Internationally, several wind energy projects are being planned and /or are in the construction phase in Poland. In addition, UMaAG has implemented 2 biomass power plants, a solar project and 2 sustainable real estate projects. Another highly energy-efficient multifamily project with 32 apartments for families, couples and senior citizens is in the making.
Facts and Figures
1300 Mio €
661 MW
845 MW
300 Mio. €
Creating the Energy Transition Together
Renewable energies and especially wind energy have taken an amazing development in Germany: A whole branch of the energy industry, the wind energy, emerged almost from nothing into one of the most important sectors – especially in view of all the turmoil in Europe and all that follows today. We are doing everything we can to raise awareness for any critical issues – especially now in times of energy dependencies – to get politicians and the public on board; to promote wind energy and thus the expansion of renewable energies in harmony with people and nature. To this end, we organize various events and conferences throughout the year, talk to the media and local politicians – always close to the people, grassroots and on a mission. This is the only way we will achieve the energy transition: together, on the same page, courageously and purposefully moving forward.