Land Acquisition

UMaAG is your partner if you are looking to lease your land for a windfarm project.

If you lease your land to us you will benefit from the income of a future wind farm. We strive for a win-win situation for all parties involved in the projects. You need to understand that we are not in for a seemingly high lease offering for your land. We do not lure you into a quick signing of such a contract. These kind of decoy contracts will be re-negotiated later, but with very bad terms for you. This is not our value system. We offer you a fair deal with total transparency and realistic terms.

If you plan to build a wind farm on your land and you are looking for a reliable project partner, get in touch with us today.

Your contacts in the acquisition department are:

Erik Breuer
Tel. : 04722 9109 274

Johann Masthoff

Johann Masthoff
Tel: 04722 9109 211

Joern Schwanemann

Jörn Schwanemann
Tel. Mobil: 0170 320 1989

Jan Strack
Tel: 04722 9109 275

Our Process


To ensure a fair and transparent land acquisition process, we focus on involving the landowners, affected parties in the communities, representatives of the administration, and politicians in the very early stages of our process.

In addition, we make sure that we individually negotiate lease concepts and profit-sharing models; we listen to the concerns and suggestions of all parties involved; we integrate all planning and nature conservation requirements in our process to secure land which has been designated by the officials in one way or the other for a wind farm project.

The basis for our land negotiations is a standard lease agreement for all owners.



How does our lease model work?

Usually, the final area on which the wind farm can later be built has not yet been determined at the time we contact you. Also, considering local landowners, we generally work with clearly defined compensation concepts.

This means that in our planning process an additional distance, also called a buffer, is allowed for around our determined wind potential areas. And this determines the remuneration area of the wind farm. On one hand this means that a larger number of landowners can be included in the lease pool to benefit from the lease income from the wind farm. On the one hand, it increases local acceptance and, therefore, increases the probability of implementation of the wind farm.

Another important topic is the distribution of the lease payments, the so-called lease model. We usually make one or two proposals, which we then discuss with you to agree on the lease model with the highest common denominator, taking into account local conditions and your wishes.

In general, we differentiate in the lease distribution between an area lease and a site lease. The area lease is paid to all owners in proportion to their area size within the compensation area. The site lease is additionally paid to all owners on whose land wind turbines are actually located. The ratio of area lease and site lease can vary and can be arranged according to your wishes. In most cases, the ratio is 80 to 90 % of the total rent, which is paid as area rent, and 20 to 10 % as site rent.

Separate leases are also paid for the road and crane sites as well as for the cable routes.

The final position of the wind turbine(s) is subject to many factors that can only be influenced by us to a limited extent. There can be concerns of the German Armed Forces, air safety or nature conservation, among others. Therefore, we cannot promise to you the final location of the wind turbine(s). However, you will benefit in any case from the land lease of the wind farm. Basically, the foundations and rotor sweep areas of the wind turbines must be located within the defined wind potential areas, while the so-called distance areas may also project beyond them.

How does a planning area come about?

The basis is usually formed by so-called wind potential areas, which, if successful, are designated as wind priority areas with legally binding effect. Their designation is based on criteria developed by the planning authority (district or municipality).

These are mainly distance criteria, i.e. residential areas, roads or areas for the protection of nature and landscape.

How do the leases come about?

In our lease model, a distinction is made between revenue and minimum leases. The revenue lease represents the direct percentage participation in the subsequent turnover of the wind turbines. Therefore, the revenue leases are offered as a percentage.

Since the turnover of the wind turbines is strongly dependent on the future local wind supply, we still want to give you a certain degree of security and offer the so-called minimum lease. The minimum lease will be paid to you in any case, regardless of the future wind yield.

Why do limited easements have to be registered?

We, as the operator, need to be legally allowed to use the land that is subject of the “limited” easement contract. This needs to be officially filed in the land register. The rights of use are limited to the timeline of construction and operation of the wind turbine. Hence the term “limited” easement. The rights of use include, for example, the right to access your property at all.

Why are the lease agreements so detailed?

This has mainly to do with the strict requirements of the financing banks. Our contracts are negotiated with our bank mostly to their advantage, as the banks have a similar entitlement claim to the project as you have as the lessor to us.

Who owns the wind turbine?

As a rule, UMaAG forms a so-called operating company, in which UMaAG directly or the chairman of the board holds a majority stake. These operating companies often have the form of a limited partnership (GmbH & Co. KG. We, as UMaAG, usually operate the wind farms ourselves. This has the advantage that your point of contact almost never changes.

What happens to the wind turbine and the foundations at the end of the wind turbines life?

The wind turbine is completely dismantled, and recycled or sold on the second-hand market. The foundations are also dismantled. And the excavation pits are filled with soil as a basis for agricultural use.

In the case of deep foundations, the piles remain in the ground so as not to permanently destroy the soil structure. As a rule, however, this does not prevent the land from being used again for its original purpose, since the piles are located deep enough below the ground surface.

To ensure that the dismantling of the wind turbines is guaranteed in any case, we, as the operator, must prove provisions in the form of a bank guarantee for the dismantling. This is a mandatory part of the permit.